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NY Judiciary System is Corrupt and Politically Compromised
Judge Juan Merchan has Revealed the True Nature of the NY Judiciary System
28 May 2024
Robert DeNiro has lost his mind - Should stick to memorizing the words of others and playing the character and lives of others. He was reading a script provided to him by the jackals and hyenas of the left. Trump was President Already and did not become what the script writer says he would become if elected President. Shame on DeNiro for even taken that part, its a movie headed for the scrap yard and editors floor. He has no self awareness as he is being used by the Left to portray Trump as an Evil Man, cant be further from the truth, this man is facing the most corrupt people in government, media, and hollywood.
Follow DeNiro's bank account and see how much he is being paid to play a senile actor who delivers a speech from the Obama and Biden mental midgets. Shame on DeNiro, he no longer has street credit in NY - He revealed his own character by accepting that low budget script which was delusional and an attack on one of NYC's Great Builders and Real Estate Visionaries who created the Great Skyline of Manhattan.
The New York Justice System has revealed itself as the most corrupt Judiciary and Law
less system in the entire Country if not the world. Shame on NY, you have lost the true faith, confidence and consent of Long Islanders with this outright corruption of our legal system. It is so obvious to normal people and Long Islanders which will become the Ultimate Reason Long Island leaves the tyranny of NY State and becomes the 51st State.
Thanks DeNiro for proving our case as you rant with no awareness that most of the Long Island Citizenry loves Trump and wants him back as President in November. I will never watch a Deniro movie ever again as i saw how low you will go to carry a message from the Democrat campaign office and try to sell it to New Yorkers and Long Islanders. It was a horrible and disgusting performance and if you wrote that script which is doubtful then your career is now basically over and you have lost your mind. Merchan is the MOST CORRUPT Judge in our Judiciary System and Shame on all those that support this lawless judge including the NY Bar Association which has allowed this Kangaroo Court to continue to this point.
By allowing this political atrocity to unfold inside a NYC courtroom which has fundamentally destroyed our legal system, the NYSBA - www.nysba.org can no longer be trusted to be a fair and just sanctuary free from politics. The NY State Bar Association is rotten to the Core and can no longer be trusted with our faith and sovereignty by not policing, much less ending, this obvious injustice.
Long Island will be forming a new Long Island State Bar Association free from the Democrat Machine of Political Corruption. We will be looking for Long Island Lawyers to form our new Legal Bar Association exclusive to Long Island State and our LI citizenry.
We have no choice but to become our own State in order to protect our Sovereignty and Constitutional Rights from the NY State Corrupt Machine of Tyranny. www.longislandstate.org
Admitted: June 1, 1796
Population: 77,262
Prior time as territory: 6 years
Journey to statehood: Took place without congressionally approved "enabling act," and in so doing blazed a trail for six future states that would similarly barge into the Union without first being invited. Tennessee's first two "senators" were denied entry to Congress, but the territory later lobbied successfully for admission. Its first officially recognized congressman, Andrew Jackson, was elected in August 1796. |
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